Potato ‘Anya’


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Potato ‘Anya’

An early variety with a fine nutty taste and long tubers which do not have the awkward branches that can make preparation and storage so difficult. Easy to grow, excellent flavour, favoured by top chefs; award winner. Colour – pink. Shape – long. Boil, steam or saute. Salad Type. Albert Bartlett Seed Potatoes. (Albert Bartlett Seed Potatoes – If you love potatoes and fancy growing your own you’ll soon come across the name Albert Bartlett. For over 60 years this family business has been Britain’s leading grower and packer of potatoes – and what’s more, they are committed to natural farming ideals.) Quality Control – following inspection our seed potatoes receive a certification number (see bag label). They are size graded within riddle size 35mm x 60mm to achieve the ideal size, although shape will vary due to season and variety. A final visual examination takes place prior to packing. Note: a 1kg pack of a typical variety should contain over 10 tubers. All our seed potatoes are Safe Haven certified. Order Despatch – Potatoes are sent separately, in specially secure cartons, and will be despatched from December onwards, weather permitting. Please note that we monitor weather conditions daily during critical periods and do not despatch when frosty periods are forecast. We secure the earliest, freshest lifted tubers to start our potato despatches in December, ensuring the best quality stock for our customers. We recommend storing in a cool, dark place until ready to chit.

Potato ‘Anya’