Plum ‘Rivers’s Early Prolific’
Plum ‘Rivers’s Early Prolific’ crops early in the season in July, reliably with heavy crops every year. Fruits are small and blue-black in colour, to be enjoyed at their most ripe fresh off the tree. In the kitchen is where Plum ‘Rivers’s Early Prolific’ tastes best, cooked for pies and preserves releasing their flavour. Self-fertile meaning you will save space not needing to plant a pollinating partner tree. Plum rootstocks: VVA1 – Semi dwarf reaching a mature height of up to 2.5m (8′) St. Julien – Semi vigorous reaching a mature height of up to 4.5m (14′) This variety is self-fertile and does not require a pollination partner. Estimated time to cropping once planted: 2 years. Estimated time to best yields: 4 years.
Plum ‘Rivers’s Early Prolific’