It’s day three of the 2025 California Spring Trials, and the energy is buzzing. “We can’t complain about coastal California weather. We have had steady guests and the plants look amazing this year,” says the team at Ball Horticultural. At their PanAmerican Seed research facility in Santa Paula, they are showcasing varieties from top breeders, including PanAmerican Seed, Darwin Perennials, Ball FloraPlant, Selecta One, and Morel. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s on display at Darwin Perennials, Selecta one, Ball FloraPlant and Morel.
Chris Fifo (left) is holding Phlox Candy Cloud Pink, a new series from Darwin Perennials that helps bridge the color gap in spring markets. On the right, Darren Barshaw presents Penstemon barbatus Rock Candy in the new color Coral. This series is sweet as candy, tough as nails.
The Selecta One North America team is in their Dianthus “flower shop” display, showcasing the timing versatility of their complete Dianthus program. From left to right, Lauren Blume is holding new Selecta One Petunia Headliner™ Crystal Pink. Henry Roberts is showing a Dianthus Capitan cut flower in vase. Maria Bolinger’s favorite is the new Dahlia Dalaya™ Purple Lace (there are 4 total new lace dahlias for 2026). Next, Becky Lacy’s flowers give gardeners a cutting garden experience. And Gary Vollmer holds the stunning Dianthus Oscar® Ruby Splash.
At Ball FloraPlant, the biggest introduction from the Interspecific Geranium series Solera™ is new Dark Red – an important color for any geranium program. It’s held (center) by Ball FloraPlant President Mike Klopmeyer. Next to him, Jaden Gimondo shows off one of her favorite Ball FloraPlant launches Calibrachoa Cabaret® Lavender Kiss. Joining her are Sarah Hernandez-Swofford with pollinator magnet Ageratum Monarch Magic, and Canada territory manager Tanya Carvalho who cradles Salvia Mystical™ Blue, the most compact S. farinacea in the breeding company’s lineup.
There are several new cyclamen from Morel at California Spring Trials this year. One is a series named Macaron – the the smallest of the Morel “mini” types bred for 2.5- to 4-in. pots. In his colourful display, area manager André Costa holds another gorgeous new introduction: Cyclamen Dreamscape™ Midi Victoria Salmon.
Stay tuned for more photos from this site and breeders from other sites!
Are you also exhibiting or visiting CAST? Feel free to send in a selfie with a product that’s new, stands out, or catches your attention. Then, we can include them in our photo report that we will publish on Monday March 31.