Agastache ‘Beelicious Purple’


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Agastache ‘Beelicious Purple’

These nectar-rich flowers come alive with bees and butterflies from midsummer to autumn. Bushier than other varieties, Agastache ‘Beelicious Purple’ forms a dense clump of upright flower tufts, each packed with small, tubular, purple flowers. Both the flowers and foliage are aromatic, with a minty-anise fragrance that attracts beneficial insects but repels slugs, snails and rabbits. The vertical flowerheads make a lively contrast with the horizontal blooms of Achillea or the soft foliage of cascading grasses such as Stipa tenuissima.  Enjoying well-drained, sunny borders, Agastache ‘Beelicious Purple’ thrives in gravel gardens or terracotta containers. Height: 45cm (18in). Spread: 30cm (12in).Culinary note: Add both flowers and leaves to cakes or whipping cream for a hint of anise flavour. For more details about edible flowers click here.

Agastache ‘Beelicious Purple’