Callistemon laevis


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Callistemon laevis

Plant this magnificent, sun-loving evergreen against a warm wall or in a container on a sun-baked roof terrace or patio. Callistemon laevis has dark green, stiff, narrow foliage which provides valuable winter interest. It is also highly aromatic, emitting a lemon scent when crushed. From April to August, Callistemon laevis puts on a stunning display of cylindrical flower spikes, where the colourful parts are not the petals but the spectacularly long tufts of crimson stamens. Callistemon make wonderfully exotic specimens for mild and coastal gardens. In cold northern gardens they can be grown in a container and over-wintered in a frost-free place. Maximum height: 8m (26 foot), Spread: 4m (13 foot).

Callistemon laevis