Callitriche stagnalis (Oxygenating Aquatic)


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Callitriche stagnalis (Oxygenating Aquatic)

Callitriche stagnalis is an oxygenating hardy perennial native to Britain and is one of the few submerged varieties that remains active during autumn and winter. Producing rosettes of small submerged and floating leaves which offers cover for insects and wildlife as well as providing a handy snack for goldfish! This Water Starwort is perfect for growing in waterlogged soil or submerged in flowing or still water. If water is fast-flowing then it is more likely to keep its leaves submerged below the water surface. Height: 2cm (1). Spread: 60cm (24). Planting depth: Zones 2, 3 & 4 to 100cm below water level.

Callitriche stagnalis (Oxygenating Aquatic)