Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’


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Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’

A beautiful multi-seasonal tree that is ideal for courtyards, patios and small gardens due to its compact habit. Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ is a slow-growing deciduous tree or large shrub that produces striking, wine-red, heart-like leaves that are held very gracefully on fine, tiered branches. In autumn the leaves transform to magnificent shades of orange and red. A small amount of pink, pea-like blooms may emerge on its bare branches in March and April if grown in a warm, sheltered position. Cercis ?Forest Pansy? is a superb stand-alone specimen for growing in sunny borders or large patio pots where the incredible foliage contrasts perfectly with vibrant green foliage plants. An award-winning hardy tree that is thought to be one of the best for small gardens. Height: 5m (16.4ft). Spread: 4 (13ft). (In 20 years).

Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’