Cherry ‘Sylvia Column’
Cherry ‘Sylvia Column’ is a dwarf mid/late season variety with a columnar habit that is perfect for narrow growing spaces. Beautiful white blossom will decorate its branches in April and large, deep red fruits will follow that can be harvested from late July. The fruits are deliciously sweet and have a good resistance to splitting. Ideal for growing in a container, against a wall or in a small sunny border. Cherry ‘Sylvia Column’ is a self-fertile variety but grow with a pollination partner in order to reach its maximum fruiting potential. Height: 2.5m (8.2ft). Spread: 1m (39in). Pollination Group: F. Harvest: Late July Estimated time to cropping once planted: 2 years. Estimated time to best yields: 4 years.
Cherry ‘Sylvia Column’