Crocus ‘Yellow Mammoth’
Big, sunbeam-yellow blooms to light up your spring garden!Crocus ‘Yellow Mammoth’ bears large, golden yellow, goblet-shaped flowers that make an eye-catching display as they sparkle in the spring sunshine. Flowering from late February to late March, these Dutch crocus follow on from the smaller Crocus varieties such as Crocus tommasinianus. The blooms are rich in pollen and nectar, attracting foraging bees early in the season when food is scarce.A strong grower, Crocus ?Yellow Mammoth? is especially well suited to planting in swathes through lawns, in rough grass and beneath deciduous trees and shrubs. They are perfect for filling gaps in the front of the border with much needed colour after the winter months whilst you are waiting for later spring bulbs and perennials to emerge. Alternatively, use them to fill shallow containers and bring early colour near the house. Height: 10cm (4). Spread: 5cm (2).
Crocus ‘Yellow Mammoth’