Evergreen Shrub Trio
The ultimate selection of evergreen shrubs! Comprising of some of our most popular, reliable and adaptable evergreens, these shrubs provide the backbone of the garden, delivering all-year-round structure and interest and creating the perfect backdrop to colourful summer plants. This superb collection includes varieties with a range of beautiful foliage colours, bold bursts of flowers and even interesting berries! They can also be used for groundcover, hedging, structural planting or as single specimens. All are robust and dependable varieties that will even cope with difficult growing conditions. Collection contains: Ceanothus thrysiflorus repens – This spreading shrub forms shapely low mounds of evergreen foliage that creates fabulous groundcover. In late spring, this Californian Lilac is smothered in masses of powder blue flowers that create a wonderful, soft hazy appearance. Awarded an RHS AGM for its garden performance, Height: 1m (3'). Spread: 2.5m (8'). Photinia ‘Red Robin’ – RHS AGM variety well-loved for its blaze of bright scarlet new foliage in spring. Evergreen glossy new leaves and crimson stems make a strong contrast with the mature green foliage lower down the plant, giving an eye-catching two-tone effect. The spring foliage is complemented by rounded clusters of creamy-white flowers. Height and spread: up to 4m (13'). Pyracantha Firelight – This compact evergreen shrub stands out in the winter when it's bright orange berries bring a burst of life to an otherwise dull winter garden! Perfect for training up against walls or as a stand-alone shrub, it's dark green glossy foliage and white flowers in summer make a perfect year round variety. Height & Spread: 1m (3'). Plant height and spread is seasonal therefore we list by pot size rather than a defined plant size. The height and spread of the plant delivered will vary depending on the season, meaning arrival images are an indication only.
Evergreen Shrub Trio