Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Collection


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Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Collection

The Geranium ?Great Balls of Fire? collection features vibrant, fireball-like blooms in five stunning colours that will beautifully spill over your hanging baskets and planters all summer long. These geraniums have been specially bred for their impressive resistance to heat, drought, and humidity, ensuring they flourish non-stop throughout the warmer months. With rapid growth, the plants develop into large, semi-trailing specimens with a well-branching structure, making them perfect for adding volume and drama to your outdoor space. The glossy, ivy-shaped leaves are decorated with striking dark zonal markings, creating a visually appealing backdrop for the abundant blooms. From May to October, the plants showcase tightly packed, semi-double flowers in an array of intense, bold shades?including stunning striped bi-colours. These resilient, low-maintenance geraniums will thrive in full sun, offering a continuous display of colour all season long. Geranium Great Balls of Fire Collection contains the following varieties:Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire Salmon’ – Streaky Salmon pink and white.Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire Merlot’ –  Rich wine red with slightly paler centres.Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire Pink’ – Semi double candy pink.Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire Blue’ – Bluish-pink.Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire Stars and Stripes’ – Stripy red and white.Although technically perennial, pelargoniums are only half-hardy and therefore normally treated as annuals in the UK. However, they can also be overwintered in a frost-free greenhouse or conservatory.

Geranium ‘Great Balls of Fire’ Collection