Gerbera ‘Garvinea Sweet Sparkle’
The groundbreaking Gerbera Garvinea® series has transformed gerberas from a tender patio plant to a hardy border perennial in just a decade. These prolific, weather-tolerant hardy gerberas are endlessly cheerful, producing profusions of bold blooms in a range of vibrant colours from June all the way through to October. Rising above a mound of lush, glossy foliage, the large, daisy-like flowers are a florist’s favourite and will brighten up any border or container for year after year. Gerbera Garvinea® ‘Sweet Sparkle’ produces radiant hot pink blooms 9cm across all summer through to mid autumn. Height and spread: 45cm (18). The groundbreaking Gerbera Garvinea® series has transformed gerberas from a tender patio plant to a hardy border perennial in just a decade.
Gerbera ‘Garvinea Sweet Sparkle’