Kumquat (Citrus Fruit)


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Kumquat (Citrus Fruit)

Kumquats are very prolific fruit trees, that produce lots of very small orange like fruits which are roughly 3-4cm in diameter, approximately the size of an olive! The cute little fruits can be eaten fresh from the tree, skin included, tasting sweet. While the juice is very sour and tart, ideal for making desserts or in cocktails. A great fruit to play around with in the kitchen making sauces, marinades, chutneys or marmalades, Kumquats are a fun citrus tree to grow in the garden. Citrus fruits grown in a standard UK garden can take up to a year to develop, but they are always so worth the time invested in them. While you wait for the fruit to arrive, the glossy green foliage and scented blooms in spring make citrus trees so ideal for a conservatory or patio where they can stand out as a feature. Will thrive outdoors from May to October as they?re hardy down to 5°C, but to ensure the best life for the plant, they should be brought in in winter months.

Kumquat (Citrus Fruit)