Lavender angustifolia ‘Platinum Blonde’


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Lavender angustifolia ‘Platinum Blonde’

Lavender Angustifolia Platinum Blonde A colourful shrub that pollinators love! Lavender looks great and smells wonderful, so why not grow a shrub that grows in all kinds of places in the garden! This unusual cultivar has bright, variegated foliage with broad yellow margins that radiate a golden glow. From June to August, Lavender ‘Platinum Blonde’ is crowned with a profusion of blue flower heads, borne on stiffly upright stems. Lavender is known for its delightful scents and strong aromatics, and this shrub will definitely perfume the air around. This knockout shrub makes a colourful evergreen hedge working perfectly for edging borders and pathways through the garden. Being this versatile, the Platinum Blonde can also be planted in sunny borders, gravel gardens or patio containers. So, whatever shape or size of your garden this shrub will work to suit you. Even better, this shrub is a hit with the pollinators and will attract all the bees and insects expanding the wildlife in your garden. Height and spread: 50cm (20). Culinary note: Some parts of these flowers are edible. There are many ways to use lavender flowers, both in sweet or savoury dishes. Make a delicious lavender sugar and add to biscuits, sorbets, jams or jellies. Add flowers to vegetable stock and create a tasty sauce for duck, chicken or lamb dishes. For more details about edible flowers click here.

Lavender angustifolia ‘Platinum Blonde’