Pear ‘Conference’


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Pear ‘Conference’

Pear ?Conference? is arguably the most well known Pear variety around and rightly so for it?s exceptional taste when eaten fresh or cooked, and also for it?s cropping abilities. The long bell shaped pears boast typically firm flesh that is just as good eaten fully ripe at it?s most juicy, or on the harder side where the crunch can be appreciated. Cropping from October to November, the fruits should be picked just under-ripe, then stored in a cool place for at least two months until January where they ripen slowly. Pear and Quince rootstocks: Quince C/ Quince Eline/ Quince Adams – Dwarf reaching a mature height of up to 2.5-3m (8-10′) Quince A – Semi vigorous reaching a mature height of up to 3m (10′) to 4m (13′) This variety is partially self-fertile. For the heaviest crops it is best grown with another variety. If you only have room for one tree then make sure that a neighbour has a tree close by that can act as a suitable pollinator. Estimated time to cropping once planted: 2 years. Estimated time to best yields: 5 years.

Pear ‘Conference’