Peony ‘Scented Trio’


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Peony ‘Scented Trio’

Bury your nose in layer upon layer of silky petals and inhale the delicate but distinctive scent of these peonies – a nostalgic perfume that instantly evokes the romance of cottage gardens! Peony Scented Trio brings you three classic colours with large, ruffled blooms that offer an eye-catching display from May onwards, kicking off the summer season with a generous helping of glamour. Resilient, hardy and long-lived, these perennial plants treat you to a repeat show year after year whilst requiring little maintenance. If you enjoy cutting flowers from the garden to show off in your home, you’ll love having a supply of these long-lasting, fragrant flowers to hand! Height and spread: 70- 90cm (27-35in).Peony Scented Trio contains the following varieties:Peony lactiflora ‘Pink’Peony lactiflora ‘Red’Peony lactiflora ‘White’Culinary note: The petals can be added to salads, or cooked slightly and sweetened for a treat. Peony water was also once considered a delicacy and the blooms can be floated in punches. For more details about edible flowers click here.

Peony ‘Scented Trio’