Peruvian Lily & Rose Ultimate Delight
Peruvian Lily & Rose Ultimate Delight
Introducing NEW and exclusive our beautiful Peruvian Lily & Rose bouquet! This gorgeous bouquet has been created by our Artisan Florists to make a bouquet that not just looks stunning but will also last. Using different colours of Peruvian Lily Cerise, Pink, White and Yellow then finished with beautiful Belle Roses this bouquet is sure to make anyone smile. We deliver this bouquet in bud so it is even more long lasting! Treat your mom to a special Mother’s Day with our Afternoon Tea Postal Hamper. This delightful hamper combines the indulgent pleasures of a classic afternoon tea with the beauty of fresh flowers. It includes two delicious Artisan Valley Bakery cakes, a pack of our finest Afternoon Tea Blend, Tiptree marmalade and preserve, and NibNibs biscuits. This hamper is the perfect way to show your mom how much you care and to give her a well-deserved break. Order now and give her the gift of a luxurious and relaxing experience, delivered straight to her door.
Peruvian Lily & Rose Ultimate Delight