Polemonium yezoense var. hidakanum ‘Bressingham Purple’


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Polemonium yezoense var. hidakanum ‘Bressingham Purple’

A dainty perennial for edging a woodland-type border, Polemonium yezoense var. hidakanum ‘Bressingham Purple’ pairs ferny foliage with blue-purple flowers, adorned with bright yellow anthers. In spring and autumn, the delicate foliage and stems are tinged dark purple, showing off the flowers to full effect. The leaflets are arranged in a pretty ladder pattern, earning it the nickname of Jacob’s Ladder. Flowering from late spring to midsummer, Polemonium ‘Bressingham Purple’ makes a fine companion to other early spring perennials and bulbs in lightly shaded borders. Height: 70cm (27in) Spread: 45cm (18in).

Polemonium yezoense var. hidakanum ‘Bressingham Purple’