Strelitzia ‘Bird of Paradise’


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Strelitzia ‘Bird of Paradise’

In 1994 after 20 years of hand pollinating by the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, a small amount of seed became available, and since then, this golden-yellow Strelitzia is available to UK gardeners to grow in their very own space! Named ?Birds of Paradise? due to it?s bird-like appearance ? the vibrant upright yellow blooms that burst out of the red- blue ?beak? will bring an exotic feel to any border or bed, casting a silhouette of a bird on bushes and walls. Flamboyant perennial that, from seed, will take many years to flower, but is low maintenance and grown from seed all year round. Height: 1.2-1.8m (4-6ft).

Strelitzia ‘Bird of Paradise’