Summer Saver Bulb Collection


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Summer Saver Bulb Collection

Add the WOW factor to your summer borders and patio pots this year with our amazing Summer Bulb Collection! This collection of vibrant, summer flowering bulbs will fill your garden with a celebration of colour. Plant them in gaps among perennials or grow them together for a fantastic display in their own right. This generous collection combines traditional favourites and not so common varieties to bring a long season of interest to borders and containers. Why not cut a few for a vase indoors? Collection comprises: Anemone de Caen (50 Bulbs) – Silky, long-lasting blooms with delicately cupped petals in a vibrant mix of bold colours. Anemone blanda (10 Bulbs)  – Daisy-like flowers stretch out their petals to form a carpet of dazzling colour. These spreading woodland perennials create a great profusion of charming blue, pink and white anemone flowers over many weeks throughout spring. Oxalis 'Iron Cross' (25 bulbs) – This ornamental Shamrock is as versatile as it is pretty. Brodiaea 'Queen Fabiola' (25 bulbs) – Also known as Triteleia, in late spring and early summer bears dense clusters of starry deep blue flowers above clumps of fine, grass-like foliage.

Summer Saver Bulb Collection