Tomato ‘Cocktail Crush’ (Grafted)


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Tomato ‘Cocktail Crush’ (Grafted)

This cordon variety is bred in the UK and is similar to the traditional variety ‘Ailsa Craig’. Grafted Tomato ‘Cocktail Crush’ F1 produces bumper crops of medium-sized, deliciously sweet and tangy fruits throughout the summer each weighing roughly 35-45g. The fruits are full of flavour and are ideal for snacking on and adding to salads and toasties. A vigorous variety showing great resistance to early and late blight. Height: 200cm (79in). Spread: 50cm (20in). Companion planting: Try growing tomatoes with French marigolds to deter whitefly, and basil, chives or mint to deter aphids and other pests.

Tomato ‘Cocktail Crush’ (Grafted)