Urban Jungle Trio


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Urban Jungle Trio

It’s easy to turn your home into a tropical paradise with our Urban Jungle Collection. We carefully selected four spectacular houseplants that will thrive in a wide range of indoor growing conditions. Tropical, glossy leaves; variegated stripy foliage; and a range of growth habits from climbing to trailing and everything in between – there is something for every area of your home. These eye-catching indoor plants are all easy to grow – so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, you can be sure of a luxuriant display. Urban Jungle Collection comprises 1 plant each of: Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ – The brightly variegated, strap-like foliage arches beautifully to create a lovely tumbling effect. Perfect for an indoor hanging basket or high shelf. Ficus elastica ‘Robusta’ ? Large, dark green, leathery leaves are beautifully glossy, with paler undersides. Forms a magnificent indoor tree over many years. Monstera deliciosa – Instantly recognisable for its lustrous, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with their characteristic splits. This climbing plant is best trained onto a moss pole.

Urban Jungle Trio